
Welcome to the World of Rafique Shaad

Poet, Entrepreneur, and Tech Expert

Hello and welcome to my personal website! I am Rafique Shaad, a multi-talented individual with a diverse range of skills and experiences. Here, you'll get to know more about me and the various facets of my life.

Education and Background

I hold a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science, which has been the foundation of my journey into the world of technology and entrepreneurship. My passion for technology and innovation has driven me to explore various domains and excel in them.


I am the proud founder of two successful ventures:

Marketing and Distribution

My expertise in marketing and distribution has led me to work as a market distributor for various companies. Over the years, I have been involved in selling products in numerous cities and regions, including Gawader, Turbat, Pasni, Jiwani, Panjgoor, Ormara, Khuzdar, Quetta, and many more. This experience has given me a deep understanding of the local market dynamics and consumer behavior.

Poetry and Literature

I'm not just a businessman; I'm also a creative soul. I'm a poet and novelist, known for my poetic work and captivating stories. My website, Author.RafiqueShaad.com, showcases my literary endeavors. Many talented singers have lent their voices to my poetry, and numerous magazines have published my poetic works and short stories.

Tech Expertise

My technical knowledge extends to various programming languages, including C, C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, HTML, CSS, PHP, and more. I offer web development and app development services through Services.RafiqueShaad.com. Whether you need a website, a mobile app, or other tech-related solutions, I'm here to help.


As a freelancer, I take on various projects, leveraging my technical expertise and creative skills to provide high-quality solutions for clients across different industries.

Thank you for visiting my personal website and taking the time to learn about my diverse set of skills and experiences. Feel free to explore my poetry, learn about my entrepreneurial endeavors, or get in touch if you're in need of tech-related services. I'm here to make a positive impact in the worlds of business, literature, and technology.
